DigiDic SummerWorkshop - Community toolbox
23 08 24
Community toolbox in cooperation with mur.at
During the Long Night of Communities, the French platform APO33 meets mur.at. Both are concerned with the development and provision of freely accessible open source tools for experiments at the interface between art and technology.
Floss+Arts: The hard way or surviving cynicism in art and technologies
Keynote by Julien Ottavi (APO33)
This keynote explores the challenges and triumphs of integrating Free Libre Open Source tools in artistic practices, highlighting the essential role of community driven platforms in fostering innovation and creativity. In a world where the intersection of art and technology often grapples with cynicism and skepticism, the FLOSS (Free Libre and Open Source Software) movement offers a beacon of hope and resistance. Through the experiences of APO33, this lecture underscores the significance of freely accessible tools and collaborative environments in overcoming the barriers imposed by commercial and proprietary systems. How FLOSS principles can not only survive but thrive in the ever evolving landscape of art and technology? How artistic communities use free software not only as tools but also to inspire new practices and new ways of working together?
25 Years - 25 People
mur.at from 1998 to 2024
Mur.at - the free art and culture server in Graz is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year!
Under the motto 25 years - 25 people, twentyfive international artists, activists and technicians who have helped shape the history of the association will create in 10 minute intervals a colorful evening of anecdotes, online performances, happenings, music and, of course, media art.
With Cloed Baumgartner, Simone van Groenestijn aka Cym, Seppo Gründler, Anita Hofer, Jogi Hofmüller, Reni Hofmüller, Norbert Math, Helen Varley Jamieson, Josef Klammer, Margarethe Mayerhofer-Lischka, Renate Oblak, Mark Pietkevicz, Nicole Pruckermayr, Wolfgang Reinisch, Winfried Ritsch, Martin Rumori, Stefan Schmitzer, Helmut Schranz posthum, Gernot Tutner, Eva Ursprung, Peter Venus, Ludwig Zeininger, Johannes Zmölnig u. a.
mur.at DJ Line
Gernot Tutner aka Henry Bootz and surprise guests