DigiDic SummerWorkshop - DIY toolbox
24 08 2024
DIY toolbox in cooperation with OpenWebSearch.eu
Based on the development of a European search index as an alternative to Google & Co, possibilities for self-determined use of digital tools will be discussed from various perspectives.
Shaping Open and Independent Web Search
Keynote by Alexander Nussbaumer
Currently, web search is dominated by a few big technology companies and autocratic states, including Google, Microsoft Bing, Yandex, and Baidu. Despite the free access to their search services, they face several ethical and societal problems, such as privacy and data protection issues, biased search results due to economic reasons, and opaque and closed technology. The Horizon Europe research project OpenWebSearch.eu aims to establish an open and independent web search infrastructure that strengthens European and individual sovereignty in web search. An Open Web Index is being established where index data can be downloaded and used for creating special purpose web search applications or large language models. This talk will present details of the overall concept and how the Graz University of Technology is involved in this project.
Panel with Alexander Nussbaumer, Kai Erenli, Klaudia Zotzmann-Koch und Jogi Hofmüller mit anschließender Diskussion moderiert von Elisabeth Schimana
You don‘t own it….
DIY live setup in concert form by Seppo Gründler
DIY Monochord, Electronics, FLOSS
In today’s digital music landscape, the combination of open source software and DIY synthesizers offers a fascinating opportunity to create unique and creative sound worlds.
(ChatGPT 4.0 )
„But for me it’s not about that, but rather about showing through the use of open source software and hardware that sustainable, aesthetic and tonal attractive musical artifacts can be created. And that without becoming dependent on companies, e.g. on updates having to wait for the production environment to work again.“
Conzert by Tamara Wilhelm
DIY electronic instruments are fragile and often react unexpectedly. Their sounds are pathetic and brutal, minimalist and dense, familiar and new, rhythmic and textured, raw and atmospheric, chaotic and pulsating. Contradiction explores these opposites and brings them together in an abstract noisy concert.
Duo Metal Space and Pendulum
Composition for two metal plates, a pendulum and electronics by Winfried Ritsch
Another incarnation of the “metal space” series.
A “brass” sound plate, an “iron” sound plate with pickups and transducers, microphones pickups and transducers, microphones, pendulums and computers as sound and space objects play a concert and immerse visitors in a sound-metal space. The 2x1m sound plates are stimulated in their overtones by transducers and form a duet in themselves and with the other as a feedback system. The composed changing filters, controlled by the pendulum, generate movements, swelling and decaying playing sounds, which in turn cause the sound plates to resonate. Due to the arrangement, the barely locatable resonances move through the room and result in a metallic sounding multi-tonal sound surface, over which the concrete resonance phrases created by the pendulum and the extremely slow polyphonic chords of the plates are superimposed. What initially appears to be chaotic movements can soon be experienced as structured, recurring patterns and associations.
beat.me 101
Solo live-coding performance by IOhannes Zmölnig
A performance fighting bots, drones and cellular automata.