Winfried Ritsch


Winfried Ritsch (born 1964, Tyrol) is Associate Professor of Computer Music at the Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM) and runs the “Klangatelier Algorythmics”.

In addition to his compositions and large media art installations, he has developed new artistic concepts and initiated media art laboratories and the artists’ initiatives FOND, TONTO, and has realized art and music theatre productions.

He has been awarded art prizes for his work as a composer, including the 1994 Promotion Prize for Composition of the City of Graz, the Max Brandt Prize for Composition in 1997 and the Andrzej Dobrowolski Composition Prize of the Province of Styria in 2020.

He tours extensively with his experimental computer music and media art performances and media art installations, in particular with robotic instruments and sound objects.

For his artistic activities in the fields of radio art, sound art and the realization of telematic art projects, he develops robotic musical instruments, cybernetic models for generative and interactive music and acoustics as open source projects and has been operating his own net culture servers on the Internet since 1998.

Participation in IMA projects
DigiDic - The Exhibition