Cordula Bösze
© Cordula Bösze
Media Archeology is essential for my work as history continues to be oblivious when it comes to the documentation on the work of women …
Cordula Bösze works on exploring the sound of the inside of the transverse flute and creates links with different art fields such as combining silent films with new music.
born I964 in Bad Ischl, Upper Austria I976 – I985 studied transverse flute at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna 1995 founded the “böszen salonorchesters” (böszen salon orchestra) in order to produce and perform contemporary salon music.
Collaborations with Werner Raditschnig, Günther Albrecht, Elisabeth Schimana, Josef Novotny, Manon-Liu Winter, Katharina Klement, Klaus Hollinetz, Karlheinz Essl, Klaus Filip, Franz Hautzinger, among others.
Participation in IMsA project
IMA.15 The Gala - The Video Book
IMA enclosure 10
Magical Sound Machines
No Connection
salon #7 07
salon #6 07
salon #5 07
salon #1 06
IMA über IMA | Eröffnungsfest