Eva Ursprung
© Alexandra Gschiel
Eva Ursprung lives and works in Graz/Austria. Since 1986 free lancing artist and curator, working with sound, video and conceptual photography. Installations, performances, art in the public, electronic and social spaces.
Founding member of the feminist art magazine EVA & CO (1982-1992),1993 founding of Kunstverein W.A.S. (Womyn´s Art Support). 1998-2003 Curator for visual arts at Forum Stadtpark. Since 2007 board member of IMA (Institute for Media Archeology), 2008 founding member and president of “Schaumbad – Freies Atelierhaus Graz”.
1997 Award for visual arts of the City of Graz; 2007 Award of Associazione Culturale Ateneo delle Idee, Udine (Broccoli Art Group).
Art Residencies:1998 bm:ukk in Fujino (JP), 2014 APO33, Nantes (FR); 2015 City of Judenburg (AT); 2016 Flux Factory, New York (US), 2017 Galerie Eugen K., Brsec (HR). Projects in New York, Los Angeles, Brussels, Rijeka, Pula, London, Nantes, Eindhoven, Milan, Novi Sad, Belgrade, Bonn, Frankfurt, Darmstadt, Bratislava, Manchester, Hull, Gdansk, Bukarest, Madrid, Glasgow, St. Petersburg, Jerusalem, Maribor, Ljubljana, Bangkok, Chiangmai, Singapur…
Participation in IMA projects
DigiDic - The Exhibition
IMA.15 The Gala - The Video Book
IMAnarchiv_16 St. Pölten
IMA.05 ein Fest
Magical Sound Machines
salon #7 07
IMA :: Sommerhirnen 06
salon #3 06
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