Presentation of the IMAfiction series in cooperation with the series XX Y X by Jade (Michaela Schwentner) at Echoraum Wien

The concept of the XX Y X series encompasses the work of local and international music artists and representatives of primarily experimental and electronic music and aims to present performances by composers of current contemporary music, electronic performances and collaborations between visual artists and musicians in combinations or solo.

Over the course of 2024, all IMAfiction video portraits will be shown in 8 - 10 events. Wherever possible, the portrayed artist and the filmmaker will be present with a talk and/or live act.

In the first half of the year, this series will be opened by Elisabeth Schimana, the founder of IMA, the portrait of Eliane Radigue will be shown and Electric Indigo will be presented live.


09 01 2024 8pm
Sechshauser Straße 66
A-1150 Wien

© Michaela Schwentner

Screening IMAfiction portrait#10 Elisabeth Schimana
A portrait by Seppo Gründler & Johanna Moder (2018)
Presentation: Seppo Gründler

Elisabeth Schimana & Igor Gross
Virus #1.3 Mutation for percussion Solo
live performance

Virus #1.3 Mutation for percussion Solo compositions for a live-generated electronic sound body (audio score) and acoustic instruments (interpretation) It is a battle and synthesis of the two sound bodies. Together they stay alive. Virus #1 is dedicated to individual instrumental groups.

The live-generated electronic body of sound is host and hostess to which the string sounds dock, adapt to it, penetrate it and use it for their replication. At the beginning this body is immune, but in the course of the piece it gives up its resistance, absorbs the string sounds and nothing stands in the way of the virus multiplying.

21 05 2024 8pm
Sechshauser Straße 66
A-1150 Wien

© Electric Indigo

Screening IMAfiction portrait#04 Electric Indigo + live Performance
A portrait by Michaela Schwentner (2016)

Under Way Elastic
A new piece exploring spaces between beats.

11 06 2024 8pm
Sechshauser Straße 66
A-1150 Wien

Screening IMAfiction portrait#06 Maryanne Amacher
A portrait by Elisabeth Schimana & Lena Tikhonova (2013)

24 09 2024 8pm
Sechshauser Straße 66
A-1150 Wien

Rebekah Wilson © Rebekah Wilson

Anne La Berge © Keke Keukelaar

Screening IMAfiction portrait#02 Rebekah Wilson & Screening IMAfiction portrait#07 Anne La Berge


Rebekah Wilson and Anne La Berge have crossed paths since for more than 20 years as performers, researchers, co-teachers and friends. Every interaction of theirs has added a facet to their complexly woven relationship where their discussions about music, networks and life have no beginnings or endings. They just keep spinning their mutual story.

For this event Anne will interview Rebekah and Rebekah will interview Anne. They will delve into their separate IMAfictions from long ago and trace the links from back then to the present.

There will be words, songs, sounds and music.

15 10 2024 8pm
Sechshauser Straße 66
A-1150 Wien

© Reinhard Mayr

Screening IMAfiction portrait#09 Beatriz Ferreyra
A portrait by Nathalie Singer & Elisabeth Schimana (2017)

05 11 2024 8pm
Sechshauser Straße 66
A-1150 Wien

© Andrea Sodomka

Screening IMAfiction portrait#05 Andrea Sodomka
A portrait by Gabriele Mathes (2010)

03 12 2024 8pm
Sechshauser Straße 66
A-1150 Wien

© Liesl Ujvary

Screening IMAfiction portrait#01 Liesl Ujvary
A portrait by Martin Breindl (2006)

Performance by Brigitta Bödenauer

Fragmented collage, a cacophony of forgotten whispers and lost echoes. Boundaries blur and reality shifts, creating a surreal landscape of emotion and perception. A fleeting illusion of a material world - distorted or manipulated. “Fading Creatures” plays with residual imprints of acoustic memories and (re)creates moments of transition and decay.

21 01 2025 8pm
Sechshauser Straße 66
A-1150 Wien

© Archiv Eliane Radigue

Screening IMAfiction portrait#04 Eliane Radigue
A portrait by IMA (2006)
Presentation: Elisabeth Schimana

Eliane Radigue has composed electronic music since the sixties. She is the only French woman composer of her generation who can be considered to be a pioneer of this genre, and of minimal music as well.